ILHC 2011: Hurri-Quake Edition

I like ILHC.

Three weeks after, and that’s about as analytical as I can get about the event.

I just like being in the event. Not just part of it, but in it. A lot of it has to do with the people. Like this guy.

That he’s a good dancer is apparent. You might have heard that he won first place if you looked it up. I saw him mostly working with the Juniors program, wrangling two dozen kids all weekend. But those aren’t the reasons why I like this guy. In the midst of coming to ILHC for the first time after only Lindy Hopping for about a year, preparing to compete, and helping with all those kids during one of his precious few free moments he asked Tena if there was anything else he could do.

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ILHC 2011: The Secret of The Plot

I have a soft spot for Naomi. Peter is ok. But one of the things that I’ve always appreciated about Naomi is the sense of class she brings to her dancing. It’s a big reason why I’ve come to believe that Lindy Hop can be used to legitimately express a much wider array of emotions than what most people typically associate with it (Raw, Bad ass, silliness, etc.)  Her Frenesi routine is still one of my favorites.

I like this recent ILHC performance because it’s a simple yet very personal yet story. I know I took a shot at dance story telling in the comments section of the last post, but I’m not completely against it. I just don’t like being reminded of it while you’re doing it-if that makes sense.

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