Lone Star Championships 2010 Strictly Lindy Hop Divisions

Videos from this year’s Strictly Lindy Hop competitions at the 3rd annual Lone Star Championships which occurred January 15th-17th, 2010 in Austin, TX.

Thanks to floridave and LindyLibrary for putting these up.  You can also download high quality videos directly from http://www.Lindy Library.com.

Open Strictly Lindy Finals

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The Barbell Perspective

I noticed something very cool at the end of the video for the All Star Invitational Jack and Jill at this year’s Lone Star ChampionshipsPeter Strom and Karen Turman shared a memory in the form of one of the first aerials they learned together when they started over 10 years ago.

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Lone Star Championships 2010-Performaces & Jams

Videos of performances and jams from this year’s 3rd annual Lone Star Championships which occurred January 15th-17th, 2010 in Austin, TX.

Thanks to floridave, LindyLibrary, and walkinspiral for putting these up.  You can also download high quality videos directly from http://www.Lindy Library.com.


Karen Turman & Andrew Thigpen

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Lone Star Championships 2010-All Star Invitational Jack & Jill

Videos from this year’s All star Invitational Jack & Jill at the 3rd annual Lone Star Championships which occurred January 15th-17th, 2010 in Austin, TX.

Thanks to http://www.Lindy Library.com for putting these up.  Glad the site is back in business.  You can download high quality videos directly from their website.

Or you can just stay here and watch them all on one page.

Naomi Uyama & Todd Yannacone

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Lone Star Championships 2010

Looks like all the news was coming out of Austin this weekend with the third Annual Lone Star Championships.   Run by Tena Morales and Scott Angelius, this event is meant to be a more relaxed competition weekend with an emphasis on social dance contests such as Jack & Jill’s and Strictly comps.

I didn’t go, but that won’t stop me from saying a few words and gratuitously mention that <plug> I work for Tena on the International Lindy Hop Championships happening this year August 19th-22nd, 2010.  Registration opening soon!</end plug>

Smaller scale competition events like Lone Star Championships are useful places for newer competitors to get a taste of what it’s like to be in the spotlight.  There’s also the added benefit of doing it with the support of all your friends cheering you on.

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That’s one aspect of being a leader in our scene that gets the least amount of attention when people talk about becoming more active in our community whether it’s by performing, dj’ing, promoting events, or teaching.

This thought doesn’t come out of nowhere.  There’s an unfortunate story being revealed right now that I don’t necessarily want to talk about directly here, but it’s so big that it can’t and shouldn’t be ignored.

I’m currently reading a book called “Glamour Addiction:  Inside the American Ballroom Dance Industry” by Juliet McMains a professor in dance and a DanceSport competitor.  She has an interesting observation concerning why ballroom dance isn’t more popular.  She contends that much of the appeal of the dance comes from direct one on one interactions, particularly those fostered between teachers and students.

When you put yourself out there as someone like a teacher, especially when you’re charging money for it, you’re implicitly asking people to place some level of trust in you; that you know what you’re doing and that you won’t mess with them.

When you do something to betray that trust you do irreparable damage not just to yourself, but to those friends and other people who looked up to you.  The community struggles to find solid ground as they question who and what they can trust again, and to what level.

I think one of the reasons why “In God We Trust” became the motto of the US is because people are painfully weary of each other’s fallibility .

Frankie Manning was often seen as a passive yet benevolent force in our scene.  He rarely spoke ill of anyone publicly.  People may be surprised to discover that he had very strong opinions about a lot of things, but he kept those opinions largely to himself because he was acutely aware of the amount of influence he wielded.  It’s one of the reasons why he avoided judging competitions

The thing that struck many dancers in our scene in the aftermath of Frankie’s death was how much they all share in the responsibility of maintaining and growing the Lindy Hop community which now spans the entire world.  I was told that even a long time veteran like Norma Miller was hit by the enormity of what Frankie did in his own quiet way.  There’s a general feeling amongst the leaders of our scene (not just male dancers but everyone who plays a key role) that what we do isn’t always just about dancing and that we should be mindful of that in everything we do.

By now I’m sure that you’re thoroughly confused by this seemingly random string of thoughts.  Since I have no desire to dwell on tawdry details or practice idle speculation here (that’s what Yehoodi is for), I can only encourage you to get as much information as possible before making up your mind.  There’s a lot of hurt out there right now, but hopefully we all can learn from this and build a better community.

I’d like to leave you with something that I read on another blog which relates to what I’m talking about, but is more in honor of the holiday.

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied together into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality . . . Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren’t going to have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.1967 Christmas Sermon on Peace

Weekly Video Highlights: Lindy Hop Argentina International Festival 2010

Sorry about the lack of updates this week.  I’m remarkably unproductive when I’m sick, as I was last week, and I’ve been playing catch up at work after being away for almost two weeks between Lindy Focus and my cold.

But I won’t leave you hanging this week thanks to the fine Lindy Hoppers in Argentina of all places.  Not just the land of tango anymore apparently, they held their forth Lindy Hop Argentina International Festival last weekend.

Speaking of international Lindy Hop events, registration for the next International Lindy Hop Championships is going to be opening very soon. <end very subtle subliminal advertising>

Anyway, I think its always interesting to see how the dance is spreading and growing in all parts of the world.  Here’s a small sample.

Luciana Salinas & Maxi Prado

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Weekly Video Highlights: The Snowball

In covering all this Lindy Focus stuff, I almost forgot about the other big New Year’s Lindy Hop event, The Snowball over in Stokholm, Sweden.

Thanks to eric00000007, susannedr, thaitran99, and SourisswingetteParis for uploading the following videos.

First up, some performances by the Harlem Hot Shots.

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Lindy Focused

Well, so much for live updates from Lindy Focus VIII.  It was not from lack of anything to talk about.  Plenty happened; I just decided to take advantage of the first event I’ve been to in over four years where I didn’t have to work in any capacity.  I almost forgot what it’s like just to go to an event just to dance.  It took some time to get used to which is why it was nice to be there for all five nights.

I didn’t partake in the whole event though as I only went to the evening dances, and skipped the classes.  It was nice to sleep in and catch up with people during the day and spend the night dancing until the early mornings.  I think I closed out all of the dances except the last one which lasted past 8 am.  I left around 7 am only because I needed to pack and shower for the long ride home.

This was only my second Lindy Focus, but the event was noticeably larger than last year, which I was told was bigger than years’ past.  The event originally started as a regional event featuring local instructors.  As time passed and the other national level New Year’s events like Danver’s New Year’s Eve Extravaganza and the Rhythmic Arts Festival fell by the wayside or moved on, Lindy Focus stepped to the fore to offer a huge holiday event.

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