Ernest Goes to School

I still don’t have a lot of time to do a longer blog, but I thought I’d share a few videos in addition to the pictures I took in Atlantic City this past weekend.

I don’t make it a secret that I’m a big fan of The Boilermaker Jazz Band, and one of the many reasons is bassist Ernest McCarty.  I’ve talked about him before, (there’s a lot to talk about this super interesting guy) but he’s also the main reason for these videos.  He was On from the very beginning.  Within a minute of their first song, he caused me to go grab my camera to capture the funk he was laying down.

The Boilermakers had to field a rare substitute on drums that night.  It’s not often that Paul can’t bring one of his two regular drummers (Rich Strong or Tom Davis). But even without knowing that, you could tell he never played with Ernest just from the look on his face for most of the night as he kept staring at Ernest with equal parts amazement and inspiration.

There was another band led by Michael Arenella that played right before the Boilermakers.  The bassist for that band had packed up and was in the process of leaving when the Boilermakers started this first song below.  Upon hearing Ernest, that dude stopped, turned around, put his stuff back down, and stood next to the stage by Ernest just wearing a smile of pure delight.  You can sort of hear him yelling in the background towards the end of this video.

This next video is  from the end of the second set.  My favorite part is the end as they go through a couple of false endings.  The first one is planned.  The second, I’m not so sure.  Seems like the drummer got a little inspired.  Either way, I find it interesting to see the way Paul manages his guys through these different endings, and the way they all roll with it especially considering the drummer isn’t a regular.

Next the finale of their last set, “I Would Do Anything For You,” a hot number where you’ll hear Ernest take a rare solo.

And a more mellow tune with Ernest throwing down some groovy beats.

The Boilermakers are in the middle of an East Coast Tour.  I’m looking forward to them wrapping up DCLX in April.


  1. Breanna said,

    February 3, 2011 at 2:25 am

    All truth. Ernest is a straight-up badass. I remember fondly the flirtation going on between him and Mable Lee at Girl Jam last year, so I would guess that she thought he was a badass, too.

    • Jerry said,

      February 3, 2011 at 1:38 pm

      Ernest flirting with a woman? I’m shocked and awed.

      • Lisa T said,

        February 7, 2011 at 11:59 am

        Obviously you aren’t a woman! Or you’d be awed but not shocked. ‘Sides, I think it is the women flirting with Ernest.

        Thanks for another excellent post! I love these guys and really enjoyed these highlights of Ernest.

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